Kindness Is the Change We Need

5 Simple Ways to Spread Kindness

Kristopher Coulston
3 min readApr 2, 2022

With all the wildness of the last few years, what the world needs, more than anything, is a big dose of kindness. Thankfully, kindness is easy, and there are many simple ways to spread kindness throughout the day. On top of the numerous crises raging on around the world, we’re all dealing with our own personal problems, so all of us can benefit from receiving a little kindness and spreading a little kindness.

  1. Give someone a compliment

Compliments can turn a shitty day into an amazing day, especially when they’re coming from a stranger. As Robert Orben puts it, “A compliment is verbal sunshine.” Giving someone a compliment is simple, and it can really make a difference in someone’s day. So go out spread some sunshine!

2. Offer encouragement

We can all use a little more encouragement. Life can be real shitty sometimes, so a little encouragement goes a long way. There’s a quote that says, “Be someone’s strength. Be someone’s inspiration. Be someone’s reason to never give up.” We have all been at that place of shittiness, where we want to give up and turn around, but encouragement got us through it. Whether the encouragement came from that small voice within or from a loving friend, we kept trudging forward. Go spread encouragement like wildfire!

3. Spend a day intentionally smiling at people

There is power in the gift of a smile. When I intentionally smile at people, the reaction I get is profound. Les Brown says it best, “Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you.” This couldn’t be truer. We all notice people who smile, and it’s as if those people have a gravitational pull to them. Smiling is a beautiful act. Spread the power of the smile everywhere you go!

4. Tell someone in the service industry how much you appreciate them

The best thing we can do for anyone is express our appreciation for them, and that’s even truer for our friends in the service industry. Especially now, when companies are short staffed and supplies are low, service work is hard work. Show some kindness to those who serve you everyday by expressing your appreciation for them. Margaret Cousins says it so beautifully, “Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” Are you willing to express your appreciation? It truly can make a difference. Go out and paint the world with appreciation!

5. Spend time picking up some trash

While it’s important to show kindness to humans, it’s also important to show kindness to nature and our friends in the wild. The best way to show kindness to the natural world is cleaning up after ourselves. Frank Lioyd Wright once said, “Study nature. Stay close to nature. It will never fail you.” I enjoy being out in the natural world more than anything else, and I also hate seeing the natural world destroyed by litter more than anything else. Show some kindness to nature and spend time cleaning up our world. You won’t regret it.

Final thoughts

While this life can be rough, a little kindness can make a big ass difference. I hope you go out and spread kindness, and I also hope you get to experience the gift of kindness. Jackie Chan once said, “Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to a change a person’s life.” Kindness really can change someone’s life, and it can change the world. Go out and spread this beautiful magic called kindness all throughout!



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