Instructions for a Calming Walk

Kristopher Coulston
2 min readApr 7, 2022


Find somewhere to walk. It can be your neighborhood, a local park, or somewhere a bit more rugged. Bring your earphones to listen to music or leave them at home — the choice is yours. Regardless of where you decide to walk or if you decide to have music or not, go with the intention of discovering a sense of calm.

Before you begin

With all the wildness of this life, it may seem hard, but try to calm your mind. Take a few deep breaths. Absorb your surroundings. Look up at the sky for just a moment. Whatever it takes, let tranquility be your anchor.


Turn on some music or center your ears on the natural cacophony in your midst, and begin your calming walk. While you are on your walk, focus on your body. Pay attention to your breath. Feel your powerful feet hit the sacred earth beneath. Think about each muscle group that is serving you in this time of calmness.

Observe the Beauty Around You

There is so much beauty all around, and most of the time we miss it. Use this restorative time to really focus on the beauty that surrounds you. Pay attention to the variety of flowers throughout your neighborhood. Spend time admiring the different types of trees. Look upward to catch a glimpse of the birds soaring through the beautiful sky. Take in the sights of art and architecture. Be in the moment with everything you set your eyes on.

Setting aside time for restorative practices is hard. There is so much going on in our daily lives. Whether it’s the craziness of work or the demands of family and friends, there never seems to be enough time to just be. So, while you’re on a calming walk or practicing mindfulness or in the middle of a meditation, getting distracted by other happenings will be easy. So be kind to yourself when this happens and gently correct your veering thoughts.

When you take the time to just be, powerful things happen. A sense of serene will come over you. New ideas will fall afresh. You’ll begin to have epiphanies and new insights. So, even with all the distractions and chaos, prioritize just being. The word beautiful starts with the word be, because to just be is a beautiful experience. It’s okay to just be.



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